🗂️ [[Thinking in Public]], [[Bearing Witness]] # Taxonomy of Witnessing 📰 **My own version of a critical response / critical reception framework, and part of the way I am [[bearing witness]].** 🕵🏻‍♂️ *Critical Reception* ✍🏻 [[Jeremy Neideck]] ![[Taxonomy of Witnessing.svg]] ## 📖 Overview This is the structural element of the [[Thinking in Public|big idea]] of [[Bearing Witness]] that I am currently working with. Initially, I was trying to find a more inclusive verb for the phrase "what did you see", which is one of the standard starting points for many forms of critical response frameworks (see [[Liz Lerman]] for example). As [[transforming idioms]] has been part of my [[creative practice]] for many years (due to [[Company Bad]] working toward [[brave spaces]] that attempt to minimise [[ableism]], [[transphobia]], and [[racism]]), I settled on using the verb [[witnessing]]. I am also drawn to the term because witnessing is not passive. In particular, being brought up as an [[evangelism|evangelical]] Christian, "to witness" has definite connotations of not only taking in the world around you, but setting an example for what the world can be. ## Utility - The Taxonomy of Witnessing is a framework for: - Meaning making - Critical response - Creative response - A discursive model for critical feedback on student work. - A reflective model for self-evaluation and awareness. - A model for creation that recalls [[Participatory Action Research]] and [[Appreciative Inquiry]]. - A way of organising embodied studio practice. ## Results / Benefits - Stalling default (good / bad) responses - Discerning acts of witnessing - Demystifies act of creation - Shuts down negative self-talk - Encourages ambiguity / liminality - Models critical thinking %% ## 📝 Notes ## ⚒️ Resources %% ## Elements of the Taxonomy of Witnessing The components of the taxonomy that can be used to [[Bearing Witness|bear witness]] are: ### Core Values [[Core values]] generate the energy, or life force. ### Horizons [[Horizons]] are where you are oriented toward. Horizons probably operate on the timescale of at least a year. ### Waypoints [[Waypoints]] are places you visit along the [[journey]] toward your horizons. ### Moments [[Moments]] are a point in time. They might be a day, a week, or even a month. #### Golden Moments [[Golden moments]] are moments that you cherish. ## Tools and Tactics of the Taxonomy The tools and tactics of this taxonomy are: ### Measurable Outcomes Identifying [[measurable outcomes]], which can be a tool for taking [[qualitative]] and [[quantitative]] stock of your journey. These are best identified early. These are best measured once you reach a waypoint. ### Actions [[Actions]] are the activities that you undertake day-to-day in service of reaching the next waypoint. ### Initiatives [[Initiatives]] are a purposeful way of bundling your actions, to make sure they are working together to get you to the next waypoint. #### Training For the [[performance maker]], [[performer training]] is one of the most powerful and regular initiatives you could invest in. ### Projects and Outputs A [[project]] or an [[output]] might be an initiative, or may be broken down into smaller, manageable initiatives. ### Intentions [[Intentions]] are the moment-to-moment aspects of your journey that you are able to attend to on a daily, weekly, or month basis. ### Journaling [[Journaling]] helps you to privately navigate the moments of your life, and are an ideal way to document your intentions and actions. ### Reflective Practice [[Reflective practice]] helps you to understand *your* experiences, projects, and outputs, check in with your core values, and align your intentions to your horizons. Reflective practice might start off [[private]] but it can also be undertaken as a collective and has the potential to be made [[public]] in the form of its own project or output. Reflective practice is driven by [[prompts]], and may be in the form of: - [[Reflective Dialogue]] (see [[Reflective Dialogue Template]]) - [[Evaluative Reflection]] (see [[Evaluative Reflection Template]]) - [[Critical Reflection]] (see [[Critical Reflection Template]]) - [[Extended Critical Reflection]] (see [[Extended Critical Reflection Template]]) ### Critical Reception Critical reception helps you to understand the *world around you*, including the core values and intentions of others, as witnessed in their projects and/or outputs. Critical reception might start off [[private]] but has the potential to be made [[public]] in the form of its own project or output. Critical reception is driven by [[prompts]], and may be in the form of: - [[Critical embodiment]] (see [[Critical Embodiment Template]]) - [[Critical reading]] - An important aspect of this is keeping [[source notes]]: - [[Critical Reading Book Template]] - [[Critical Reading Chapter Template]] - [[Critical Reading Article Template]] - [[Critical Witnessing]] (see [[Critical Witnessing Template]]) - [[Critical response]] (see [[Critical Response Template|Critical Response Template]]) - [[Critical analysis]] ### Generative Witnessing [[Generative witnessing]] is the classic [[creative body]] cycle, and the mechanism of [[creative development]]. ## Using the Taxonomy to Write the Now This is a way of thinking about how bearing witness to you own life and practice can be made comprehensible to others. ### Atomic Notes These are notes that represent ideas at their most fundamental. ### Molecular Notes These are notes that are built up out of ideas at the atomic level that are linked together, or perhaps are a reflection or refraction of an atomic note. ### Compound Notes These are notes that built up of ideas at the [[Index - Molecular Notes|molecular level]] that are linked together. ### Material Notes This is material at a sufficient complexity that it it is most likely original to the author. ## ⛲ Sources - Liz Lerman’s [Critical Response Process](https://lizlerman.com/critical-response-process/) - Perpich Centre for Arts Education’s [Critical Response Protocol](https://cdn.ymaws.com/ipayweb.org/resource/collection/25263331-00F9-4E8F-B2AF-0678F2FFFB65/Critical%20Response%20Handout.pdf) adapted from Artful Tools %% # ⛵️Log - 🖋️ %% # **Template**: [[Atomic Note Template]] **Created**: [[2023-01-12|Thursday 12 January 2023]] **Published**: [[2024-05-03|Friday 03 May 2024]] **Updated**: 12:34 [[2024-05-05|Sunday 05 May 2024]] %% # Excalidraw Data ## Text Elements ## Drawing ```json { "type": "excalidraw", "version": 2, "source": "https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/releases/tag/2.2.4", "elements": [], "appState": { "theme": "light", "viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff", "currentItemStrokeColor": "transparent", "currentItemBackgroundColor": "#1971c2", "currentItemFillStyle": "solid", "currentItemStrokeWidth": 4, "currentItemStrokeStyle": "solid", "currentItemRoughness": 1, "currentItemOpacity": 60, "currentItemFontFamily": 1, "currentItemFontSize": 20, "currentItemTextAlign": "center", "currentItemStartArrowhead": null, "currentItemEndArrowhead": "arrow", "scrollX": 488.6669616699219, "scrollY": 477.8194885253906, "zoom": { "value": 1 }, "currentItemRoundness": "round", "gridSize": null, "gridColor": { "Bold": "#C9C9C9FF", "Regular": "#EDEDEDFF" }, "currentStrokeOptions": null, "previousGridSize": null, "frameRendering": { "enabled": true, "clip": true, "name": true, "outline": true }, "objectsSnapModeEnabled": false }, "files": {} } ``` %%