🗂️ [[Resources]] # Quote Book 📰 **A place to stash memorable quotes.** 🕵🏻‍♂️ *Quotes, Quote* ✍🏻 [[Jeremy Neideck]] ![[Quote Book.svg]] ## 💬 Quotes I've Heard > [!Quote] On my deathbed I won't be thinking about what power I kept for myself, but what I gave to others. > [[Wesley Enoch]], [[ISPA]] Plenary, Perth, [[2024-05-03|Friday, 03 May 2024]] %% ## 📚 Quotes I've Read ## 📖 Overview ### 🤖 Summary via [[Perplexity]] ## ⚒️ Resources ## 📝 Notes ## ⛵️ Log - 🖋️ ## ⛲ Sources %% # **Template**: [[Atomic Note Template]] **Created**: [[2024-05-06|Monday 06 May 2024]] **Published**: [[2024-05-06|Monday 06 May 2024]] **Updated**: 07:27 [[2024-05-06|Monday 06 May 2024]] %% # Text Elements # Drawing ```json { "type": "excalidraw", "version": 2, "source": "https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/releases/tag/2.1.4", "elements": [], "appState": { "theme": "light", "viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff", "currentItemStrokeColor": "#1e1e1e", "currentItemBackgroundColor": "transparent", "currentItemFillStyle": "solid", "currentItemStrokeWidth": 2, "currentItemStrokeStyle": "solid", "currentItemRoughness": 1, "currentItemOpacity": 100, "currentItemFontFamily": 1, "currentItemFontSize": 20, "currentItemTextAlign": "left", "currentItemStartArrowhead": null, "currentItemEndArrowhead": "arrow", "scrollX": 428, "scrollY": 432.828125, "zoom": { "value": 1 }, "currentItemRoundness": "round", "gridSize": null, "gridColor": { "Bold": "#C9C9C9FF", "Regular": "#EDEDEDFF" }, "currentStrokeOptions": null, "previousGridSize": null, "frameRendering": { "enabled": true, "clip": true, "name": true, "outline": true } }, "files": {} } ``` %%