πŸ—‚οΈ [[Thinking in Public]], [[Appreciative Inquiry]] # The Anticipatory ([[AI - Key Principles]]) πŸ“° **Images Inspire Action** πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ *Anticipatory, Anticipatory Principle* ✍🏻 [[Jeremy Neideck]] ## The Anticipatory [[AI - Key Principles|Principle]] ![[AI - Anticipatory Principle.svg]] > [!tip] Images Inspire Action - Human systems move in the direction of their images of the future. - Our images of the future guide current behaviour. - Envisioning a positive future can help make it a reality. %% ## πŸ“– Overview ### πŸ€– Summary via [[Perplexity]] ## βš’οΈ Resources ## πŸ“ Notes ## ⛡️ Log ## β›² Sources %% # **Template**: [[Atomic Note Template]] **Created**: [[2024-05-08|Wednesday 08 May 2024]] **Published**: [[2024-05-09|Thursday 09 May 2024]] **Updated**: 09:42 [[2024-05-09|Thursday 09 May 2024]] %% # Excalidraw Data ## Text Elements Anticipatory ^EuY2U8Lx "Images Inspire Action" ^xZ4VuzA7 ## Embedded Files 38802dc86b23e0760b0906e72f098db96d80ab8e: [[noun-future-4454073.svg]] ## Drawing ```json { "type": "excalidraw", "version": 2, "source": "https://github.com/zsviczian/obsidian-excalidraw-plugin/releases/tag/2.2.4", "elements": [ { "type": "ellipse", "version": 1088, "versionNonce": 779746267, "index": "a2", "isDeleted": false, "id": "wSLV4iFRf2a8vRs6ZvST4", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeWidth": 2, "strokeStyle": "solid", "roughness": 2, "opacity": 100, "angle": 0, "x": 19.51797012905888, "y": -274.7412549462622, "strokeColor": "#1e1e1e", "backgroundColor": "#e6fcf5", "width": 183.01953125, "height": 183.01953125, "seed": 1614155131, "groupIds": [], "frameId": null, "roundness": { "type": 2 }, "boundElements": [], "updated": 1715223726476, "link": null, "locked": false }, { "type": "text", "version": 257, "versionNonce": 986670312, "index": "a4", "isDeleted": false, "id": "EuY2U8Lx", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeWidth": 0.5, "strokeStyle": "solid", "roughness": 2, "opacity": 100, "angle": 0, "x": 55.17677597622685, "y": -181.8987864244712, "strokeColor": "#1e1e1e", "backgroundColor": "#ffffff", "width": 116.11988830566406, "height": 25, "seed": 779152186, "groupIds": [], "frameId": null, "roundness": null, "boundElements": [], "updated": 1717833776666, "link": null, "locked": false, "fontSize": 20, "fontFamily": 1, "text": "Anticipatory", "rawText": "Anticipatory", "textAlign": "left", "verticalAlign": "top", "containerId": null, "originalText": "Anticipatory", "autoResize": true, "lineHeight": 1.25 }, { "type": "image", "version": 320, "versionNonce": 1971992551, "index": "aA", "isDeleted": false, "id": "He9AWgg6", "fillStyle": "hachure", "strokeWidth": 1, "strokeStyle": "solid", "roughness": 1, "opacity": 100, "angle": 0, "x": 76.17475203361008, "y": -259.97044221805317, "strokeColor": "#000000", "backgroundColor": "transparent", "width": 75.45608188181558, "height": 75.45608188181558, "seed": 6105, "groupIds": [], "frameId": null, "roundness": null, "boundElements": [], "updated": 1715258465801, "link": null, "locked": false, "status": "pending", "fileId": "38802dc86b23e0760b0906e72f098db96d80ab8e", "scale": [ 1, 1 ] }, { "type": "text", "version": 247, "versionNonce": 670285208, "index": "aB", "isDeleted": false, "id": "xZ4VuzA7", "fillStyle": "solid", "strokeWidth": 2, "strokeStyle": "solid", "roughness": 1, "opacity": 100, "angle": 0, "x": 41.39101700405888, "y": -151.0322705712622, "strokeColor": "#1e1e1e", "backgroundColor": "#e6fcf5", "width": 140.625, "height": 38.4, "seed": 1782565531, "groupIds": [], "frameId": null, "roundness": null, "boundElements": [], "updated": 1717833776666, "link": null, "locked": false, "fontSize": 16, "fontFamily": 3, "text": "\"Images Inspire\nAction\"", "rawText": "\"Images Inspire\nAction\"", "textAlign": "center", "verticalAlign": "top", "containerId": null, "originalText": "\"Images Inspire\nAction\"", "autoResize": true, "lineHeight": 1.2 } ], "appState": { "theme": "light", "viewBackgroundColor": "#ffffff", "currentItemStrokeColor": "#1e1e1e", "currentItemBackgroundColor": "#e6fcf5", "currentItemFillStyle": "solid", "currentItemStrokeWidth": 2, "currentItemStrokeStyle": "solid", "currentItemRoughness": 1, "currentItemOpacity": 100, "currentItemFontFamily": 3, "currentItemFontSize": 16, "currentItemTextAlign": "center", "currentItemStartArrowhead": null, "currentItemEndArrowhead": "arrow", "scrollX": 133.30574508090206, "scrollY": 422.1412335839575, "zoom": { "value": 2 }, "currentItemRoundness": "round", "gridSize": null, "gridColor": { "Bold": "#C9C9C9FF", "Regular": "#EDEDEDFF" }, "currentStrokeOptions": null, "previousGridSize": null, "frameRendering": { "enabled": true, "clip": true, "name": true, "outline": true }, "objectsSnapModeEnabled": false }, "files": {} } ``` %%